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Women's March on Washington

The day following the intended inauguration of Donald Trump into the Presidency, many “Angry Women” are getting together in protest. The Woman’s March will be taking place on Jan. 21. Many South County students plan to participate in this event, including ourselves.

As young people we will be the most affected by this choice our president. It’s important to voice our political opinion and show the rest of the world how we feel as individuals united. This resistance movement is able to voice opinions of “immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, and survivors of sexual assault,” said the Women March.

The day of the march hundreds of people will be gathering from all over the United States. Protesters will be meeting at the capitol, and marching to many historic landmarks, such as the White House. Lead by publicly acclaimed Civil Rights advocates such as Camren Parez, and Tamika Mallory, the march is expected to be a huge success.

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